Sep 18, · Thesis Dissertation; Length: A thesis is usually shorter than a dissertation at approximately pages. A dissertation is usually pages long. Originality: In a thesis, you build your work on an already existing idea. In a dissertation, you need to present entirely original hypothesis. Research: A thesis involves preliminary research Google Slides is a new FREE Presentation software from Google. All our content is % compatible with Google Slides. Just download our designs, and upload them to Google Slides and they will work automatically. Amaze your audience with SlideTeam and Google Slides The Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template is an outstanding tool for final project presentations. The students can propose their groundbreaking ideas with the help of amazing graphics. Coming up with a unique idea is hard but to impress the board, professors, and colleagues is even harder
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The researcher must acknowledge the role of God in their lives, thesis theme google custom search, as without his perennial guidance and protection, the task at hand would not been complete.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for the support and encouragement which helped me in completion of this project. I respect and thank Ar. I am extremely happy to mention my special thanks to Ar. Manna, my guide without whom this thesis theme google custom search work would not be realized and who took keen interest on my project work and guided me all along, till the completion of my project work.
I would also like to thanks to Prof. Manoj Jain, Ar. Gaurav Agrawal, Ar. Kanika Agrawal and Ar. Ashu Jain thesis theme google custom search guided me time to time during my course of duty. I would not forget to remember Ar. Jiyan Pattharwala, Ar. Akshay Verma, Aniruddh Tyagi, Nisha Gahadwal, Hina Kausar, thesis theme google custom search, Adil and Mohit for their encouragement and more over for their timely support and guidance till the completion of our project work.
CONTENTS Chapter 1 — Introduction 1. Chapter 2 — Research 2. Chapter 3 — Project Site 3. Chapter 4 — Programmatic Details 4. Chapter 5 — Technological Systems 5.
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The emphasis in these centers should be on commerce and their related activities. In many places like Kolkata. they also referred as Sub-City Centre.
A District Centre comes second in the commercial hierarchy after City Centre. It is a Urban Centre which is concentrated with commercial, cultural and business area of a city or town. A District Centres are the central part and important commercial, cultural and often the historical, political and geographic heart of a city. One such Centre is proposed in Twin District Centre, D2, Rohini by Delhi Development Authority. It covers vast variety of functions such as convention, retail and office.
Finding ways to provide modern infrastructure for more open places like urban plazas, entertainment zones. Exploring inter-rela. tionships of the spaces with mixed use technique. Also give focus in evolving contemporary model for traditional Indian Bazars or Indian Markets. Giving thesis theme google custom search more healthy, comfortable and more functional open spaces. And population increased rapidly with the arrival of metro station.
The space for cultural and refreshment near the site is Swarn Jayanti Park and Adventure Island. increase peoples activities in open spaces. Various high end malls and hotels in proximity and access Roads on thesis theme google custom search sides if site allow maximum transition of spaces. It is an urban space that has its attributes in complexity of interacting social relations.
Many old cities of India, which were planned on the basis of existing culture and structure, got transformed thesis theme google custom search complex patterns and fragments in order to keep up with the population pressure. They are chaotic and over populated. They seems to be exhausted in terms of resources and spaces to build or intervene. Finding balance in this situation is what the need of the hour is. The driving theme for the thesis research has been to find a solution to the above.
Also to create a space which can form the node for holding and experiencing commercial, cultural and social activities. The land utilized should be given back to the people, improved, usable, and developed. Twin District Centre has two parts namely D1 and D2, separated by Swarn Jyanti Park which stretches 1KM along both sides. It is a major developing commercial district in the region, the site is an opportunity to look into the significant context with an architectural viewpoint.
The District. Centre will not only promote social activities, humanities and commerce but also provide employment and improve the economy of the region. Site is surrounded by road from all sides, and there is significant amount of residential areas with mostly MIG housing with surrounds the District Centre. The primary issue is to understand and explore ways to create a lively character of a Public Space. To understand the objectives of Transit-Oriented Development in metropolises today.
This, fabric comes not just with the functional components sitting together within a boundary but also through the combination of built and open. To study the Transition Spaces and understand their role in an institution, other than circulatory spaces. The relationship of building to the site, street and neighboring buildings and to understand and explore the architectural expression of facade openings and materials in harmony with Urban Fabric of thesis theme google custom search surroundings of the District Centre.
Other than this the study will include how cultural and commercial strategies create and enhance Sense of Place through Place-making, thesis theme google custom search.
The research will also be looking into Sustainable Design ideas, with basic requirements of acoustics, structures and lighting for workspaces for designing of spaces like office, thesis theme google custom search, auditorium, retail space, etc.
AREAS OF RESEARCH PUBLIC SPACE Good public spaces are fundamental to sustainable communities and healthy cities. Public spaces have the power to improve city life and strengthen our relationship to community and place.
Throughout history, public spaces have embodied public life by being a true shared, democratic space for all. Public spaces are vital ingredient of successful cities. They help build a sense of community, civic identity and culture. Public spaces fa. cilitate social capital, economic development and community revitalization. Healthy public spaces are the springboard for revitalizing communities, whatever they are and wherever they are.
That an attractive, active, well functioning public space can jumpstart economic development in a community — from a small rural town to a big city — is being recognized increasingly around the world. So, what makes a good public space? The Public Realm The public realm can be seen as the space in which different activities take place and where people share direct and indirect encounters everyday. These spaces include the street, pathways and open spaces. Since the public realm, fundamentally, is based.
on people and what they do, thesis theme google custom search, edge conditions need to be tailored to the needs of the users of the public realm, by being designed to a human scale and comfortability as well as being accessible to them.
It is be. lieved that localized densities thesis theme google custom search transit systems could produce positive synergies, thesis theme google custom search. According to a Cevero and Zupanoffices attract high number of commuters while housing near transit, both low-cost and highend, offered similar synergies as well.
This new model of urban planning was conceptualized to mitigate the adverse effects of urbanization in cities.
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Bachelor of Architecture Final Year Thesis Design Project | District Centre/Sub-City Centre, Sector 10, Twin District Centre, Rohini, Delhi. Project keenly focused on Sustainability and Urban Design We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more A thesis, or dissertation (abbreviated diss.), is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's or master's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate.. This is the typical arrangement in
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