Legal Articles Human Rights Violations-'An Anathema To Society': Almost everyday there are chilling instances of violence, ethnic cleansing, heinous torture, child abuse, man slaughter and several other human rights violations. Violence against women: This research paper introduces the discussion of legal responses to violence against women.5/5(M) How to Research & Write a Legal Research Paper. ISSUE. In order to determine what the issue is, you need to know the parts of the case that are in dispute. Often, facts are included in essay RULE. The rule in a case is the law or laws which govern the outcome of a case. For example, if the case Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions
Home - Free Legal Research Resources - United States - Research Guides at Harvard Library
This guide contains selected free online legal research resources related to United States federal and state materials. These resources can be a great way to get started with your research when you don't have access to paid databases or if you want to get an overview of a topic before getting started with potentially expensive searches.
Legal research is often more effective when using a local law library. To learn more about law libraries throughout the United States, visit:. Many statutes and legislative materials are available for free online and this is only increasing over time. While you should always be careful to ensure that you confirm your findings with an authoritative legal research papers of the law, free resources can be a great starting place for statutory research.
Federal case law and court documents are often available online for free, legal research papers, particularly if the case was decided recently.
Generally, check the website of the deciding court to see if they provide digital copies of their cases. In addition, the following resources provide free case law. While case searching and retrieval through free databases is increasingly achievable, paid services are still most often used to ensure legal research papers cases have not been overruled or negatively impacted by later case law. Tools that facilitate this case validation process are called citators.
At present, the best way to access citators for free, is mediated through state and local public law libraries, legal research papers. To find a state or local law library visit:. Many states and localities publish some or all of their legislative materials on their website, legal research papers, so your first stop this type of research should generally be the website of the the state or locality in question.
Remember, even if these legal research papers are on official government websites, that does not mean that these are official copies of the legal research papers in question.
The National Conference of State Legislators provides a list of State Legislative Websites. Courts are increasingly making their materials freely available online, frequently via the court website. At the state level, legal research papers, this is particularly true for state Supreme Courts.
When looking for state case law, it is often best legal research papers start at the website of the deciding court if you have a citation. The National Center for State Courts provides a list of state court websites, legal research papers. Several government-sponsored websites provide the full-text of U. treaties on the web. Refer to the list below for date ranges for each sources.
For free resources on foreign and international law, please see our foreign and international law guide:. Google Scholar offers access to many legal documents including patents, legal opinions and journals. Use the search box below and select the appropriate options from the dropdown menu at the top left of your screen.
While many journals are only available on paid databases, open access journals and other freely avaiablle articles are increasingly available. The following sources collect freely available journal articles.
Many government data legal research papers are made available to the public for free online, legal research papers. Check the websites of any relevant agencies or organizations to see if you can find additional data beyond that found in the databases below.
Ask Us! Submit a question or search our knowledge base. Chat with us! Chat with a librarian. Email: research law. Meet with Us Schedule an online consult with a Librarian. Hours Library Hours. Classes View Training Calendar or Request an Insta-Class. This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3. You may reproduce any part of it for noncommercial purposes as long as credit is included and it is shared in the same manner.
Harvard University Digital Accessibility Policy. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, legal research papers, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Toggle navigation MENU. Hours Ask a Librarian HLS Harvard Libraries. Harvard Library Research Guides Harvard Law School Library Free Legal Research Resources - United States Home Search this Group Search.
Free Legal Research Resources - United States. How to use this guide This guide legal research papers selected free online legal research resources related to United States federal and state materials. Local Law Libraries by AJ Blechner Last Updated Jul 12, views this year. Range of Materials. GovInfo provides public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
LII provides open access to legal materials, including: annotated version of the constitutionfederal statutesSupreme Court decisionsCFRand more. This database provides access to a wide range of resources including, state and federal cases, court rules, statutes, regulations, forms, and constitutions. This Google custom search developed legal research papers law librarians at Legal research papers York Law School searches a host of free online legal databases through a single search box.
This site collects online sources for legal materials from the United States, Canada and Mexico, including state and federal amicus briefs. The Constitution. This database offers full text of the constitution along with commentary and analysis. Statutes and Legislative Materials Many statutes and legislative materials are available for legal research papers online and this is only increasing over time.
This site offers access to a wide range of government documents and legal research papers, including an annotated constitution, legislation, committee reports, congressional records, and treaty documents. gov is an excellent source for in-progress bills. This website offers a wealth of federal government information including links to the websites of departments, agencies and branches of government, which can be a good source for statutory and legislative materials, legal research papers.
The Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U. House of Representatives offers a searchable version of the most recent version of the U. The website also provides access to session laws. The Library of Congress' American Memory collection includes Congressional Records up to and can be searched or browsed.
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court website includes full text of certain materials, including many opinions. It also suggests resources for finding briefs, legal research papers. This site from the American Bar Association provides the full text of briefs from a large number of U. Supreme Court cases, including cases that have not yet been heard. This blog covers Supreme Court cases.
It compiles the documents for most major Supreme Court cases including petitions and amicus briefs. This website contains a wide range of primary and secondary materials related to the U.
Of particular note, Oyez. com offers legal research papers recordings of selected oral arguments. Case Law and Court Documents Federal case law and court documents are often available online for free, particularly if the case was decided recently. law by making all published U, legal research papers.
court decisions freely available online, in a consistent format, digitized from the collection of the Legal research papers Law Library. This website from the Administrative Office of the U. Courts collects links to the federal courts websites, offering digital copies of recent opinions.
Court listener is an alert tool for the U. judicial system that is updated daily. It includes all precedential opinions from the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts.
Non-precedential opinions are also included, except from the D. This site also offers a a citator. This browseable and searchable database from FindLaw offers U. Supreme Court opinions since FindLaw also maintains a database of case summaries for lower court opinions since com includes an extensive database of federal cases, legal research papers.
This is a database of federal district and bankruptcy court documents from PACER that have been contributed to the RECAP Archive for free access. While not all documents that are on PACER will be available here, but it is a good place to start if you are looking for a free option. Case Validation While case searching and retrieval through free databases is increasingly achievable, paid services are still most often used to ensure that cases have not been overruled or negatively impacted by later case law.
Executive Documents. The Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders is an online version of an out-of-print publication that ran from April 13, to January 20, The Public Papers of the Presidents collected links to the online versions of these compilations starting with President Reagan. This website from the University of California Santa Barbara collects data, documents and media related to the American Presidency, including inaugural addresses, executive orders and proclamations, to name just a few.
The White House website offers links to presidential documents, including executive orders, presidential memoranda, and proclamations. State Law.
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