Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) is a medium-sized hawk native to the North American continent and found from southern Canada to Mexico. This species is a member of the genus Accipiter, sometimes referred to as true hawks, which are famously agile, relatively small hawks common to wooded habitats around the world and also the most diverse of all diurnal raptor genera Jun 25, · Phd Thesis On Mimo, Skill Centered Resume, Best Custom Essay Writing For Hire For Phd, Top University Essay Editing For Hire Online If you Music Phd Thesis feel overloaded with tasks and extracurricular activities, it's natural you might look for someone to ask, "Do my paper for me." Though, we recommend you select only reliable services, like ours, and only then ask them "Write my essay." 2. Terms & conditions
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Cooper's hawk Accipiter cooperii is a medium-sized hawk native to the North American continent and found from southern Canada to Mexico. The species was named in by Charles Lucien Bonaparte in honor of his friend and fellow ornithologist, simon nickerson phd thesis, William Cooper.
This species primarily hunts small-to-medium-sized birds, but will also commonly take small mammals and sometimes reptiles. Like most related hawks, simon nickerson phd thesis, Cooper's hawks prefer to nest in tall trees with extensive canopy cover and can commonly produce up to two to four fledglings depending on conditions. Cooper's hawk was formally described by the French naturalist Charles Lucien Bonaparte in from a specimen collected near BordentownNew Jersey.
He coined the binomial name Falco cooperii. Other common names have been known to include the big blue darter, chicken hawkhen hawk, Mexican hawk, quail hawk, striker and swift hawk.
This genus is the most diverse of all in the species-rich family Accipitridaewith nearly 50 recognized species, and is also the most diverse of all diurnal raptor genera. Fossil evidence shows then that the goshawk came second and, despite the considerably wider range of the sharp-shinned hawk compared to the other two species, the ancestors of the sharp-shinned hawk came over the Bering Land Bridge last.
No subspecies are recognized of the Cooper's hawk. mexicanuswas discounted due to being weakly differentiated. In general the relationship of the Cooper's and Gundlach's hawk is muddled and genetic testing indicated that it is possible but not certain that the Gundlach's may be insufficiently distinct to qualify as a separate species.
Cooper's hawk is a medium-sized hawk and largish for an Accipiter. Compared to related species, they tend to have moderate-length wings, a long, often graduated or even wedge-shaped tail and long though moderately thick legs and toes. Against the rich color on the rest of the underside, the pure white crissum on adults is conspicuous. These birds had faded back color and lacking strong barring on the tail. An aberrant dark female was also recorded. As a juvenile, she had a blackish-brown rather than mid-brown back and dark inky feathers below with grayish ground color barely showing.
Later she produced an aberrant male with similar characteristics that successfully fledged. The latter two were possible cases of melanism and such dark variations are virtually unprecedented in any Accipiter species. Juveniles of the species are generally dark brown above, though the feathers are not infrequently edged with rufous to cinnamon and have a variable whitish mottling about the back, wing coverts and, mainly, the scapulars.
Juvenile Cooper's simon nickerson phd thesis to have streaking or washing of tawny on the cheeks, ending in a light nuchal strip, giving them a hooded appearance unlike the capped appearance of adults some juveniles, unlike adults, may manifest a slim supercilium as well. The crown simon nickerson phd thesis brown on juveniles rather than blackish as in adults. The tail is similar to that of the adult but more brownish and sometimes shows an additional fourth band.
The juvenile has more pale white to cream base color showing than older birds, with variable dusky throat striping and mid-brown streaks, which appear as sharply defined from about the lower throat to the lower breast, simon nickerson phd thesis. The juvenile may have brown to black spots or bars on the thighs with thin black streaks mostly ending at the belly and conspicuous white crissum and undertail coverts. Against the barred underbody on adults, the wings simon nickerson phd thesis more or less flecked in similar color, with pale greyish flight feathers and a broadly white-tipped tail correspondingly barred with dark gray.
Meanwhile, the upperside of adults is essentially all blue-grey. Juvenile are mostly dark above though manifest a hooded effect on the head and a rufous-buff edges and especially whitish mottling, the latter can be fairly apparent. Juveniles are mainly whitish below with neatly dark streaks about the wing linings, breast, flanks and thighs, with bars on the axillaries and flight feathers, simon nickerson phd thesis.
The tail of the juvenile has a broadly white tip and bars like adults but the ground color is a paler shade of gray. Adults have eyes ranging from light orange to red, with males averaging darker in eye color, while those of juveniles are yellow. Meanwhile, males of 2 or more years old simon nickerson phd thesis had consistently darker eyes than the eyes of females of the same relative age, with most males of the age having largely either orange From the second year, the eyes of Cooper's hawks may grow darker still but stop darkening shortly thereafter.
Most females over 2 years old in Wisconsin were found to have light orange eyes. darker orange or red objects may be more simon nickerson phd thesis and tend to be pecked at simon nickerson phd thesis so than duller colors.
Adults have greenish yellow ceres and have legs of orangish to yellow while these parts on juveniles are a paler hue, simon nickerson phd thesis to yellow. The female usually begins to molt about 7—10 days sooner than the male. Molts occur inward towards the body on the wing feathers. Tail molt may generally start with the middle tail feathers, proceeding posteriorly to the upper tail coverts, also starting with the median feathers on the scapulars.
Molts tend to be halted especially when food supplies are down during the brooding stage, and may be resumed after the stress of feeding the brooding diminishes. Cooper's hawks are fairly variable in size. There is usually minimal to no overlap in dimensions between the sexes, with females being considerably larger than males.
Although there is some margin of error, within a given region dimensions of the two sexes never overlap in these regards but may overlap marginally in tarsal and tail lengths. Meanwhile, the female may be better suited to the rigors of brooding including perhaps most nest defense due to her larger size, also allowing the sexes to compete less on the same food sources. being larger where living farther north instead varying in size much more so by longitude. Body mass, along with standard measurements, is much more frequently measured than total length or wingspan in different populations, simon nickerson phd thesis.
Simon nickerson phd thesis standard measurements, the wing chord may vary from to mm 8. However, smaller, more westerly hawks such as those in the Goshute mountains, simon nickerson phd thesis, where males measured at a mean of Some authors have claimed that during breeding Cooper's hawks may utter well over 40 call variations, which would rank them as having among the most varied collection of calls recorded for any raptor.
However, many such variations are probably quite subtle marginal differences in harshness, clarity, tempo and volume and other authors have diagnosed only four overall call types. This call may be translated as keh-keh-keh Accipiter species in North America are arguably the most vexing raptor to identify in the continent.
Compared to the other two AccipitersCooper's have an intermediate amount of feathering at top of the tarsus, as well as intermediate relative middle toe length and eye proportions, but have relatively the longest tail and the shortest wings of the three. Other slight difference may be noted in plumage via the sharp-shins lacking the capped appearance of adult Cooper's being more hooded and being generally slightly darker above.
Juvenile sharp-shins, upon relatively leisurely study, can be seen to differ from juvenile Cooper's by having clearer supercilia, browner cheeks and less extensive whitish mottling above and also coarser streaking below extending more to belly.
As for the northern goshawk, the smallest male is still usually "clearly" larger than most large female Cooper's hawks, simon nickerson phd thesis.
Given reasonable views, adult goshawks are very different looking and hard to mistake for any Cooper's hawk. Below, juvenile goshawks have heavier streaks of a darker brown color than juvenile Cooper's, simon nickerson phd thesis. Also, the banding on the tail is off-set on goshawks, creating a zigzag effect on the tail, unlike the even simon nickerson phd thesis on the juvenile Cooper's.
The latter species of similar form and size but at all ages is generally unmarked with bars or streaks below, also with a more or less uniform mantle. Even the most similar buteonine hawks have notably different proportions than a Cooper's hawk, possessing relatively much longer wings and a much shorter tail. Given reasonable views, all such species are fairly to extremely different in plumage even in juvenile form.
The Cooper's hawk's breeding range extends from southern Canada to northern Mexico. In southern Canada, they breed but do not normally winter in the southerly parts of the provinces of British ColumbiaAlberta, SaskatchewanManitoba, OntarioQuebec to extreme southwestern Nova Scotia.
The Cooper's hawk tend to occur in various types of temperate deciduous forest and mixed forest. The species may further make itself at home in some pure conifer forest, including the extreme southern part of the taiga but also in many parts of the west. In denser forest areas, these hawks tend to prefer easy access to edgesclearingsroads and waterways. In the American southwest and northwestern Mexico, they are commonly considered a bird of wooded foothills, often dwelling above 1, m 3, ft.
in two different areas of Oregonthe Cooper's hawks preferred areas with trees of 30—60 years old and trees per ha and 50—70 years old and trees per harespectively. More so than breeding habitat, wintering habitat seems to be highly opportunistic. They may be found in any environment with some trees, including open woodsparkland and scrub areas. The species may even making use of isolated trees in suburbs, industrial parks and strip and shopping malls though large urban parks and other available wooded habitat is usually preferred in such areas when nesting.
The Cooper's hawk is a typical Accipiter in all respects, simon nickerson phd thesis. However, some other non-raptorial birds may have similar muscularity relative to their mass, such as the Canada goose Branta canadensis and even pied-billed grebes Podilymbus podicepsand these ample muscle masses may be correlated with migratory rather than hunting behavior.
However, that inactivity could last up to 5 hours during heavy rainfall. Therefore, less dangerous hawks such as Buteos are mobbed more vigorously than the more dangerous Cooper's. Like a majority of diurnal birds of prey in the Northern Hemispherethe Cooper's hawk is a partial migrant, simon nickerson phd thesis.
They tend to be most migratory in the north and largely to partially sedentary elsewhere. However, the three longest distance movements from southern California were all northbound, i.
Migratory movements in the autumn are generally between late August to mid-October, simon nickerson phd thesis, peaking at the end of September and beginning of October in the eastbut sometimes migration extend into November. Furthermore, females of all ages tend to migrate sooner and spend longer in winter quarters than like-age males, the latter staying relatively north and traveling back again earlier. At coastal migration sites like Cape Maysimon nickerson phd thesis, first year Cooper's hawks are far more regularly encountered than older individuals, with the juvenile Cooper's accounting for Cooper's hawks are known as bold and aggressive predators.
chicken farms simon nickerson phd thesis, feedlotsbird feedersetc. If it sees birds when flying, a hunting hawk does not fly directly to them but instead circles around to available trees and bushes often perching for a few moments before launching its attack.
If birds become aware of it, the hawk will tend to quickly gain height in hopes of intercepting some prey. mammal -hunters such as Buteos. Cooper's hawk may consume well over prey species from across the range. This predator is known to consume vertebrate prey almost exclusively. Infrequently, frogs may be eaten, as will rarely insects and fish in nearly dry watercourse.
Mean prey weights were roughly Prey simon nickerson phd thesis by males averaged an estimated Overall, in Missouri, prey body masses were estimated to range from 15 to g 0. Birds are by far the leading prey for Cooper's hawks in most areas, simon nickerson phd thesis.
A wide diversity of birds, considerably over species, are known to be taken, constituting more than three-quarters of known prey species for these hawks. Robins were the leading prey species in northwestern Oregonat The starling was the main food for these hawks in Ithaca, New Yorkat Other medium-sized to largish-bodied families of passerines tend to be most often selected.
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