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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Over the past four decades, experimental and field research guided by self-determination theory SDT; Motivation master thesis and Deci, has found intrinsic motivation to predict enhanced learning, performance, motivation master thesis, creativity, optimal development and psychological wellness.
Only recently, however, have studies begun to examine the neurobiological substrates of intrinsic motivation. In the present article, we trace the history of intrinsic motivation research, compare and contrast intrinsic motivation to closely related topics flow, motivation master thesis, curiosity, trait plasticitylink intrinsic motivation to key findings in the comparative affective neurosciences, motivation master thesis, and review burgeoning neuroscience research on intrinsic motivation.
We review converging evidence suggesting that intrinsically motivated exploratory and mastery behaviors are phylogenetically ancient tendencies that are subserved by dopaminergic systems. Studies also suggest that intrinsic motivation is associated with patterns of activity across large-scale neural networks, namely, those that support salience detection, attentional control and self-referential cognition, motivation master thesis.
We suggest novel research directions and offer recommendations for the application of neuroscience methods in the study of intrinsic motivation. When intrinsically motivated, people engage in an activity because they find it interesting and inherently satisfying. By motivation master thesis, when extrinsically motivated, people engage in an activity to obtain some instrumentally separable consequence, such as the attainment of a reward, the avoidance of a punishment, motivation master thesis, or the achievement of some valued outcome.
Early evidence for the distinction between these types of motivation came from experimental studies demonstrating that tangible rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation master thesis Deci, That is, contrary to the ideas that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are additive or synergistically positive e. Self-determination theory SDT; Ryan and Deci,motivation master thesis, has emerged as the principle framework for the study of intrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation has also been assessed in the laboratory through the coding of specific exploratory and manipulatory behaviors and facial displays of interested engagement Reeve and Nix, Since the earliest demonstrations of the undermining effect, many experimental and field studies have found intrinsic motivation to be associated with enhanced learning, performance, creativity, and affective experience.
Further, a large body of research within SDT has examined the situational factors e. These studies have made it clear that although intrinsic motivation is a lifelong psychological growth function, by no means is its expression automatic; rather, intrinsic motivation depends on ambient supports for basic psychological needs, especially those for competence feeling effective and autonomy feeling volitional.
Despite being a longstanding topic within the field of motivation, only recently have researchers begun to use neuroscience methods to examine intrinsic motivational processes Ryan and Di Domenico, The use of neuroscience methods is an important new frontier for intrinsic motivation research for at least three interrelated reasons.
First, motivation master thesis, to state the obvious, experience and behavior are mediated by the brain and a complete motivation master thesis of intrinsic motivation therefore requires an understanding of the neural systems that support it.
Second, neuroscience affords the examination of internal processes that are not accessible by self-reports of experience or behavioral observations. A neuroscience of intrinsic motivation therefore promises new insights that introspective and behavioral methods alone cannot afford.
Finally, neuroscience methods can be used to investigate motivational processes at a higher level of resolution than experiential and behavioral methods. Neuroscience methods therefore have the potential to refine conceptual accounts of intrinsic motivation by articulating the granular processes that motivation master thesis it.
In a relevant discussion, Ochsner ; p. Intrinsic motivation would seem to be an especially ripe topic for neuroscience precisely because of the large body of empirical data that has already been garnered at the experiential and behavioral motivation master thesis of analysis. Our purpose of this review article is to survey the progress of neuroscience research on intrinsic motivation. Because intrinsic motivation is not a uniquely human capacity Harlow, ; Wilson, ; Ryan and Deci, we review conceptual developments in the comparative affective neurosciences Panksepp, ; Panksepp and Biven, that inform the concept of intrinsic motivation.
Such considerations are essential for appreciating intrinsic motivation as a basic organismic capacity and for helping to clarify its unique components in humans Ryan and Di Domenico, Building upon these insights, we map the phenomenology of intrinsic motivation onto the neural substrates of motivational processes that are encompassed by intrinsic motivation.
Against the backdrop of these preliminary ideas, we then review recent studies that have examined the neural correlates of intrinsic motivation. To anticipate our main conclusions, affective neuroscience suggests that human intrinsic motivation is based in ancient mammalian systems that govern exploration and play.
Neuroimaging studies, which have up to now focused on curiosity and mastery tendencies, indicate that intrinsically motivated states are subserved by neural regions that are central to dopamine systems.
These studies also hint at the possible role of dynamic switching between large-scale brain networks involved motivation master thesis salience detection, attentional control and self-referential cognition. On the basis of these ideas, we suggest novel research directions and offer recommendations for the application of neuroscience methods in the study of intrinsic motivation.
He coined the term intrinsic motivation to describe his observation that these primates would persist in playing with mechanical puzzles even in the absence of external rewards. Indeed, he observed that the introduction of rewards for playing led these primates to decrease their spontaneous manipulative explorations, relative to those not exposed to external rewards.
These and related observations of motivation master thesis exploratory and play behaviors defied some behaviorist views that intentional behaviors are invariably controlled by reinforcement contingencies motivation master thesis the environment e. Early work with both primates and rats also exposed some limitations of empirical drive theory Hull,which asserted that motivated behaviors aim to reduce internal drives that stem from physiological need deficits.
Because intrinsic motivation often ensues in the absence and, on occasion, independent of such deprivations, it was poorly explained by traditional drive reduction accounts White, Early attempts to amend drive theory led researchers to postulate the existence of various exploratory drives as the basis for seemingly spontaneous curiosity, exploratory and manipulatory behaviors e, motivation master thesis.
For example, Fenichel proposed that exploratory and mastery behaviors are driven by the desire to reduce anxiety in the face of novel stimuli. An extensive program of research has established that novel stimuli—on an a priori basis—represent potential sources of both punishment and reward, elicit tendencies for both avoidance and approach, and therefore often arouse anxious uncertainty and prompt cautious investigatory behaviors.
During intrinsic motivation, feelings of interest and positive excitement predominate over both anxiety and boredom. Indeed, such exploratory states entail searching for novelties and challenges and, moreover, acting on the world to elicit novelties and to discover new problems Harlow, ; White, ; Deci and Ryan, These observations indicate that intrinsically motivated exploratory and mastery behaviors are primarily energized by interest and appetitive mastery tendencies, not anxiety reduction.
Given the shortcomings of operant behaviorism and drive theory in regards to intrinsic motivation, White proposed effectance motivation as a general behavioral and developmental propensity of many organisms. Seemingly prescient of later developments in the affective neurosciences e. According to Whitethe satisfactions associated with the effectance motive are not tied to consummatory activities, but are instead intrinsic to the arousal and maintenance of the activities that stem from it.
By the mids, numerous studies had examined the effects of various situational factors on the expression of intrinsic motivation Deci and Ryan, This motivation master thesis indicated that events like the provision of positive feedback e.
To account for the diversity of findings from these and other studies, Deci and Ryandrawing on the ideas of White and DeCharmsproposed that intrinsic motivation is a lifelong psychological growth function that is based in the basic psychological needs for competence and autonomy, motivation master thesis. In terms of both evolution and development, motivation master thesis, intrinsic motivation confers many adaptive consequences for organisms Ryan and Deci, For example, intrinsic motivation exposes organisms to novel situations and therefore occasions the development of diverse skills and competencies to cope with uncertain future situations.
Intrinsic motivations are particularly important for those species that have a protracted period of postnatal development and occupy complex habitats Wilson, In this vein, motivation master thesis, Deci and Ryanp. If people did not experience satisfaction from learning for its own sake but instead needed to be prompted by external reinforcements they would be less likely to engage the domain-specific skills and capacities they inherited, to develop new potentialities for adaptive employment, or both … for instance, by aiding in the discovery of alternative food sources, mapping the complexities of game migrations, or taking interest in skills, rituals, and social rules transmitted by other group members, motivation master thesis.
Motivation master thesis this evolutionary thinking, Ryan and Hawley reviewed empirical evidence that competence and autonomy satisfactions supply proximal supports for intrinsically motivated activities even when the adaptive consequences of such activities are not the phenomenal aims of the individuals enacting them.
At the level of personality functioning, intrinsic motivation provides the impetus for individuals to learn about particular subject areas and to differentiate their interests, fostering the development of personal identities that confer a sense of authenticity, meaning, and purpose Deci and Ryan, ; Ryan and Deci, For example, motivation master thesis, meta-analyses and field studies point to intrinsic motivation as perhaps the most important form of motivation in school achievement e, motivation master thesis.
Indeed, various scholars have proposed that intrinsically motivated self-examination plays a key role in the development of the highest human virtues, including wisdom e. These researchers have argued that mammals are hardwired with a general-purpose SEEKING system that energizes many types of foraging and exploratory activities.
Although the SEEKING system does service homeostatic imbalances and is responsible for energizing learned appetitive behaviors, it continuously operates to keep animals in a state of exploratory engagement with their environments. The SEEKING system is a spontaneous, unconditioned behavior generator that takes animals to places, actively and inquisitively, where associated learning mechanisms allow them to develop knowledge structures, to guide their foremost evolutionary action tools inbuilt emotional systems to create more structures—more higher mental processes—which facilitate survival Panksepp and Biven,p.
The core structures that comprise the SEEKING system in the rat are the ventral tegmental area VTAthe nucleus accumbens NAccthe ventromedial prefrontal cortex VMPFCmotivation master thesis, and the dopaminergic projections originating from the VTA that innervate these areas Panksepp, ; Panksepp and Biven, These basic SEEKING urges are elaborated into more complex forms of exploration in behaviorally and cognitively sophisticated animals: our dexterity affords the manipulation and exploration of complex objects and our cognitive faculties afford interest in ideas, abstract objects and possibilities that we can explore and manipulate with our minds.
The first experimental studies on intrinsic motivation were conducted on nonhuman animals Harlow, and it is therefore fitting that the first insights on the neurobiology of intrinsic motivation have been derived in animal research. Although generalizations based on animal research must be made with caution, affective neuroscience suggests that human intrinsic motivation is an elaboration of ancient mammalian motivations for exploratory SEEKING.
The affective neuroethological point of view from which this system is conceptualized dovetails the organismic perspective from which SDT developed Ryan and Deci, It is remarkable and telling that independent lines of research stemming from such methodologically diverse traditions should converge on similar points of view.
Aspects of intrinsic motivation have also been examined from perspectives other than SDT, motivation master thesis. Because some of the empirical studies that we review in upcoming sections are based on these related topics, we briefly summarize these perspectives here to note similarities and differences with SDT. We also briefly review topics that bear important conceptual relations to intrinsic motivation and note the utility of these for helping to inform the emerging neuroscience of intrinsic motivation.
Flow refers to experiential states of total absorption, motivation master thesis, optimal challenge, motivation master thesis, and non-self-conscious enjoyment of an activity. Like SDT, flow theory emphasizes the phenomenology of intrinsic motivation.
Flow theory is particularly articulate in its description of the optimal challenges motivation master thesis ensuing competence satisfactions associated with intrinsic motivation. For example, Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi ; p. However, apart from motivation master thesis the autotelic i.
Although this knowledge discrepancy is supposedly experienced as aversive, satisfying curiosity is pleasurable and people therefore voluntarily seek to elicit curiosity. First, feelings of curiosity are regularly referenced in descriptions of intrinsic motivation within SDT and Loewenstein ; p. Second, both intrinsic motivation and curiosity seeking are processes that describe types of self-directed learning.
Intrinsically motivated activities, activities that are energized by the need for competence and that entail orienting toward novel stimuli and optimal challenges, can thus be seen as a process of continually seeking and reducing information-gaps in knowledge. A close variant of this discrepancy between organismic and drive-theory accounts of intrinsic motivation was resolved in the earliest critiques of the drive-naming approach to intrinsically motivated exploration. Both White and Deci and Ryan pointed out that while curiosity for particular objects or places may satiate the tendency to explore those particular objects or areas, the tendency to explore itself is not satiated, motivation master thesis.
Piagetin his organismic account of cognitive development, expressed a similar view. He proposed that cognitive-behavioral schemata possess inherent functions to assimilate new information and to elaborate pre-existing skills, inherent functions that can be productively described as being intrinsically motivated Ryan and Deci, Specifically, DeYounghas argued that the higher-order trait plasticity i. Apart from the obvious difference that intrinsic motivation refers to a motivational statewhereas plasticity refers to dispositional traitmotivation master thesis, these two phenomena have some notable features in common.
These insights inform some of the ideas in the current presentation. The biggest challenge facing researchers who wish to examine the neural substrates of intrinsic motivation is the absence of an overarching neurobiological framework with which to derive and test specific hypotheses.
Exploratory studies, though potentially useful for advancing research in novel directions when conducted with suitably large samples, typically afford lower statistical power and are therefore prone to both Type I errors false positives and Type II errors false negatives, motivation master thesis. This limitation of exploratory research is especially problematic in neuroimaging studies that do not specify a priori regions of interest and need to correct for multiple statistical tests when comparing neural activity across multiple brain regions Allen and DeYoung, In the absence of a guiding theory, it is also difficult to design experimental paradigms that are optimally suited to examine specific components of intrinsic motivation.
Recognizing that even a preliminary neurobiological account of intrinsic motivation could facilitate theory-driven research and provide a useful vantage point for aligning the disparate empirical motivation master thesis to date, we offer an initial iteration by mapping the phenomenology of intrinsic motivation to the neural substrates of motivational processes that are encompassed by intrinsic motivation.
We organize these ideas in the form of summary propositions. Against motivation master thesis backdrop of these propositions, we review studies that have examined the neural correlates of intrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is a complex cognitive, affective, and behavioral phenomenon that is likely mediated by multiple neural structures and processes. For this reason, a useful point of entry for elucidating the neurobiology of intrinsic motivation is to consider the broad neurotransmitter systems that may underlie it. Three lines of evidence suggest that dopamine is a key substrate of intrinsic motivation.
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