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Essay on my dream school

Essay on my dream school

essay on my dream school

Apr 21,  · My dream school Monday, April 22, A Dream School in My Mind Have you ever thought about why you are going to school? Or have you ever talked to yourself: “Oh my God, it’s school time again.” The environment keeps changing all the time. We change houses, jobs, friends and schools In this essay, I am going to write about my vision of an ideal school. In describing my dream school, I will address the aspects of the school, which I envision with regard to policies governing the school, its vision, mission, and goals as well as the physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Mar 02,  · My dream school Monday, April 22, A Dream School in My Mind Have you ever thought about why you are going to school? Or have you ever talked to yourself: “Oh my God, it’s school time again. ” The environment keeps changing all the time. We Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Dream School Free Essay Sample

My dream school Monday, April 22, A Dream School in My Mind Have you ever thought about why you are going to school? We change houses, jobs, friends and schools. We might often ask ourselves a question: Is there any dream essay on my dream school where we would like to stay? If you have a chance to create a dream school, what is your dream school going to be? In my mind, a dream school is not a place that only teaches students basic knowledge.

It should be a place where students can apply the skills they learn. I studied at elementary school for six years, middle school and high school for six year, and university for four years.

Under the traditional pattern of educationI realized that in addition to the knowledge from books, I did not get anything during my whole school life. We could not have our own ideas and had to face never-ending homework, essay on my dream school. I hated chemistry and physics.

The only thing I could do was memorized the formula and do the exercises again and again. I thought these subjects would not relate to my future job. This has proved to be true. I cannot remember most essay on my dream school the subjects that I learned in school when I graduated from high school. After college in China, I told myself that I would never go to school again. After the sixteen years of school experience, I was extremely tired, essay on my dream school.

I also imagine my dream school. If I could design my dream school, it probably should be a studio school. What is a studio school? The studio school is the kind of school which breaks away from the traditional education system.

The original idea of a studio was from the Renaissance. Order custom essay My Dream School with free plagiarism report. People learn their skills by working. The first character means to study. The second character means to practice constantly. Studying and practicing are put together. It suggests that learning should mean self-improvement. This comprehension is confirmed by the studio school.

There are two main aspects in a studio school. First, students who study in a studio school will be much more motivated and excited than in traditional education.

A large number of teenagers are dropping out essay on my dream school school because they are bored in the traditional education system. On the other hand, employers complain that the students are not actually ready for real jobs. Studio school can solve this problem. Every student can attend this kind of studio school. There is no extra cost and no selection. This school allows the students the route into university. The most important part is that most of the curriculum is done not through sitting in a classroom.

No grades or competition exists in school. Every class has their own field. One class may focus on creative and media industries, while other ones have a focus on health care, engineering and other fields. Students would decide the specific subject that they like to study. Second, this school puts things like working in teams, and doing practical projects at the heart of learning, rather than on the edges.

Students learn best by doing things and learn best in teams. In the studio school, students do the practical projects and work on commission for businesses. Every student would have a coach, as well as a teacher who would have a timetable much more like a work environment in a business. And all of projects will be done within the public system.

Students do a lot of real projects in order to prepare much better for real life work today. School life is one of the most important parts of our life. We spend at almost essay on my dream school quarter of our life in school. We are not only to study, but also to practice. This essay was written by a fellow essay on my dream school. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.

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Writing Your Personal Statement (How I Got Accepted Into My Dream School)

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My Dream School -

essay on my dream school

Mar 02,  · My dream school Monday, April 22, A Dream School in My Mind Have you ever thought about why you are going to school? Or have you ever talked to yourself: “Oh my God, it’s school time again. ” The environment keeps changing all the time. We Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Apr 21,  · My dream school Monday, April 22, A Dream School in My Mind Have you ever thought about why you are going to school? Or have you ever talked to yourself: “Oh my God, it’s school time again.” The environment keeps changing all the time. We change houses, jobs, friends and schools In this essay, I am going to write about my vision of an ideal school. In describing my dream school, I will address the aspects of the school, which I envision with regard to policies governing the school, its vision, mission, and goals as well as the physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins

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