The diet analysis is an important project. The project requires 3 steps – 1. Getting the data. This requires keeping a food log, entering the food in the Nutricalc program, and getting the correct print out. Since this is the basis of the project, this part is due by March 3, It can be [ ] Diet analysis Essay. Course: Personal Nutrition (BIOL ) Christian Car de-Guzman. Homework # 1. Diet Analys is. Hav ing a well balanced diet it is essen tial for a healthy lif e and to main tain an ov era ll body. wellness. Ther e are man y benefits t o the body when people eat health y/5(99) View Diet Analysis Activity Chapter 2 blogger.com from PSYCH at North Central Texas College. This diet was not especially difficult to stick to. I actually consumed fewer calories than I need for
Diet Analysis Essay - Free Paper Sample
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. The nutrients in my diet I have to improve on are, eating higher protein, and fiber foods.
But also take in less sodium and fat. Minerals and Vitamins are also a very important thing in your diet, diet analysis essay. I have to improve my diet by consuming more calcium and potassium.
Also eating more grains, fruits and vegetables which have high fiber. Protein is important because it gives you energy and helps your muscles grow, diet analysis essay. Fiber helps you digest food better and keep low blood cholesterol. Another way to improve my diet I have to have more calcium, and potassium, diet analysis essay.
Calcium is in milk, and other dairy products and helps your bones grow and stay strong. Potassium is found in fish, fruits and vegetables and is important to have in your diet especially in relation to sodium, because it aids in muscle, blood pressure and emotional well being.
I should also consume higher magnesium foods such as green vegetables and nuts. Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steadily, supports a healthy immune system, helps bones strong, regulates blood sugar levels, and promotes blood pressure.
Last way to improve my diet is increasing diet analysis essay intake of vitamins. They are important to a healthy diet analysis essay because they are involved diet analysis essay protecting the body from oxidative damage and gene expression.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble stored in the liver and is found in carrots, mangos, spinach ect. Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin and plays a vital role in the chemical reactions that happen in your body. It helps in the formation of heme in red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body and is essential to metabolize foods into energy.
Vitamin C is acts as an electron donor for eight different enzymes and fights off the effects of having high blood cholesterol. Vitamin c is found in fruits like oranges and grapefruit, and also many vegetables. Minerals play a large role in your diet also. They help you grow, develop and stay healthy. Vitamins gives you the ability to build muscles, break down fats, help your body acclimate to hot and humid temperatures, and aid as protection and products of white blood cells in your body.
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Dietary Analysis Assignment Video guide 1
, time: 41:37Diet Analysis Essay - College Essay Examples

· The Diet Analysis project has taught me a lot about my own eating habits and has inspired me to modify them for a healthier lifestyle. Probably the biggest change I will make after having done this project is to increase my intake of vegetables, fruits and Vitamin D. Fruits and vegetables will provide more fiber in my diet (something I am lacking) as well as certain other vitamins and minerals that I am View Diet Analysis Activity Chapter 2 blogger.com from PSYCH at North Central Texas College. This diet was not especially difficult to stick to. I actually consumed fewer calories than I need for Diet Analysis Essay Topics: Obesity, Nutrition, Adipose tissue / Pages: 5 ( words) / Published: Apr 8th, Continue Reading The Atkins’ diet helps in weight loss and increases health benefits. It is based on lowering of carbohydrate intake to increase metabolism and body efficiency
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