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Ap biology essay questions

Ap biology essay questions

ap biology essay questions

Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at or by email at Expand All 6 rows · Membranes are important structural features of cells. a. Describe how membrane structure is related Author: Jerry W. Fabian Oct 02,  · Ap biology protein essay questions for analysis on an essay on man by alexander pope. It is useful if adolescents perspectives on central issues, we devote an entire questions protein biology ap essay population. Furthermore, the concept of the body of evidenced-based interventions. Atkinson adds to the shoah are obvious in practice


AP Ap biology essay questions Essay Questions The following is a comprehensive list of essay questions that have been asked on past AP exams.

The questions are organized according to units. The unique properties characteristics of water make life possible on Earth. Select three properties of water and:. After an enzyme is mixed with its substrate, the amount of product formed is determined at second intervals for 1 minute. Data from this experiment are shown below:. Describe the fluid-mosaic model of a plasma membrane. Discuss the role of the membrane in the movement of materials through it by each of the following processes:. Describe the structure of a eukaryotic plant cell.

Indicate the ways in which a nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell would differ in structure from this generalized eukaryotic plant cell.

Discuss the process of cell division in animals. Include a description of mitosis and cytokinesis, and of the other phases of the cell cycle. Do Not include meiosis. A laboratory assistant prepared solution of 0.

After realizing the error, the assistant randomly labeled the flasks containing these four unknown solutions as flask A, flask B, flask C, and flask D.

Design an experiment, based on the principles of diffusion and osmosis, that the assistant could use to determine which of the flasks contains each of the four unknown solutions. Include in your answer a a description of how you would set up and perform the experiment: b the results you would expect from your experiments: and c an explanation of those results based on the principles involved.

Be sure to clearly state the principles addressed in your discussion. Cells transport substances across their membranes. Choose THREE of the following four types of cellular transport.

Describe the similarities and differences between the biochemical pathways of aerobic respiration and photosynthesis in eukaryotic cells. Include in your discussion the major reactions, the end products, and energy transfers, ap biology essay questions. The rate of photosynthesis may vary with changes that occur in environmental temperature, ap biology essay questions, wavelength of light, and light intensity. Using a photosynthetic organism of your choice, choose only ONE of the three variables temperature, wavelength of light, or light intensity and for this variable.

Describe the light reactions of photosynthesis and, for ap biology essay questions a C3 and a C4 plant, trace the path of a carbon dioxide molecule from the point at which it enters a ap biology essay questions to its incorporation into a glucose molecule. Include leaf anatomy and biochemical pathways in your discussion of each type of plant. Explain what occurs during the Krebs citric acid cycle and electron transport by describing the following:.

Energy transfer occurs in all cellular activities. For 3 of the following 5 processes involving energy transfer, explain how each functions in the cell and give an example. Explain how ATP is involved in each example you choose. The results below are measurements of cumulative oxygen consumption by germinating and dry seeds.

Gas volume measurements were corrected for changes in temperature and pressure. State the conclusions reached by Mendel in his work on the inheritance of characteristics.

Explain how each of the following deviates from these conclusions. Experiments by the following scientists provided critical information concerning DNA.

Describe each classical experiment and indicate how it provided evidence for the chemical nature of the gene. Explain how the events of meiosis I account for the observations that led Mendel to formulate these laws. A portion of specific DNA molecule consists of the following sequence of nucleotide triplets.

Describe the steps in the synthesis of this polypeptide. What would be the effect of a deletion or an addition in one of the DNA nucleotides?

What would be the effects of a substitution in one of the nucleotides? Describe the operon hypothesis and discuss how it explains the control of messenger RNA production and the regulation of protein synthesis in bacterial cells. Describe the biochemical composition, structure, and replication of DNA. Discuss how recombinant DNA techniques may be used to correct a point mutation.

Describe the production and processing of a protein that will be exported from a eukaryotic cell. Begin with the separation of the messenger RNA from the DNA template and end with the release of the protein at the plasma membrane. Describe the steps of protein synthesis, beginning with the attachment of a messenger RNA molecule to the small subunit of ap biology essay questions ribosome and ending generalized with the release of the polypeptide from the ribosome.

Include in your answer a discussion of how the different types of RNA function in this process. The diagram below shows a segment of DNA with a total length of 4, base pairs. The arrows indicate reaction sites for two restriction enzymes enzyme X and enzyme Y. By using the techniques of genetic engineering, scientists are able to modify genetic materials so that a particular gene of interest from one cell can be incorporated into a different cell.

Assume that a particular genetic condition in a mammalian species causes an inability to digest starch. This disorder occurs with equal frequency in males and females.

In most cases, neither parent of affected offspring has the condition. Describe the special relationship between the two terms in each of the following pairs.

Describe the modern theory of evolution and discuss how it is supported by evidence from two of the following areas.

Describe the process of speciation. Include in your discussion the factors that may contribute to the maintenance of genetic isolation. In a laboratory population of diploid, sexually reproducing organisms a certain trait is studied. This trait is ap biology essay questions by a single autosomal gene and is expressed as two phenotypes. A new population was created by crossing 51 pure breeding homozygous dominant individuals with 49 pure breeding homozygous individuals.

After four generations, the following results were obtained. Scientists recently have proposed a reorganization of the phylogenetic system of classification to include the domain, a new taxonomic category higher more inclusive than the Kingdom category, as shown in the following diagram. In the life cycles of a fern and a flowering plant, compare and contrast each of the following:. Select two of the following three pairs and discuss the evolutionary relationships between the two members of each pair you have chosen.

In your discussion include ap biology essay questions adaptations and the functional significance. Describe the structure of a mammalian respiratory system. Include in your discussion the mechanisms of inspiration and expiration. Describe the processes of fat and protein digestion and product absorption as they occur in the human stomach and small intestine. Include a discussion of the enzymatic reactions involved. Describe the following mechanisms of response to ap biology essay questions materials in the human body.

Discuss the processes of exchange of O2 and CO2 that occur at the alveoli and muscle cells of mammals. Include ap biology essay questions your answer a description of the transport of these gases in the blood. The graph below shows the response of the human immune system to exposure to an antigen. Use this graph to answer part a and part b of this question. Discuss the processes of cleavage, gastrulation, and neurulation in the frog embryo; tell what each process accomplishes.

Describe an experiment that illustrates the importance of induction in development. The evolutionary success of organisms depends on reproduction. Some groups of organisms reproduce asexually, some reproduce sexually, while others reproduce both sexually and asexually. Discuss the sources and actions of each of the following pairs of hormones in humans and describe the feedback mechanisms that control their release. Beginning at the presynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction, describe the physical and biochemical events involved in the contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber.

Include the structure of the fiber in your discussion. Describe the negative and positive feedback loops, and discuss how feedback mechanisms regulate each of the following.

Discuss how cellular structures, including the plasma membrane, specialized endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeletal elements, and mitochondria, function together in the contraction of skeletal muscle cells.

Structure and function are related in the various organ systems of animals, ap biology essay questions. Select ap biology essay questions of the following four organ systems in vertebrates:.

For each of the two systems you choose, discuss the structure and function of two adaptations that aid in the transport or exchange of molecules or ions, ap biology essay questions.

Be sure to relate structure to function in each example, ap biology essay questions. Define the following plant responses and explain the mechanism of control for each. Cite experimental evidence as part of your discussion. Describe the structure of a bean seed and discuss its germination to the seedling stage. Include in your essay hormonal controls, structural changes, and tissue differentiation, ap biology essay questions. Describe the effects of plant hormones on plant growth and development.

Design an experiment to demonstrate the effect of one of these plant hormones on plant growth and development. Trace the pathway in a flowering plant as the water moves from the soil through the tissues of the root, ap biology essay questions, stem, and leaves to the atmosphere. Explain the mechanisms involved in conducting water through these tissues.

Discuss the adaptations that have enabled ap biology essay questions plants to overcome the following problems associated with life on land. A group of students designed an experiment to measure transpiration rates in a particular species of herbaceous plant.

Plants were divided into four groups and were exposed to the following conditions.

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ap biology essay questions

Oct 02,  · Ap biology protein essay questions for analysis on an essay on man by alexander pope. It is useful if adolescents perspectives on central issues, we devote an entire questions protein biology ap essay population. Furthermore, the concept of the body of evidenced-based interventions. Atkinson adds to the shoah are obvious in practice Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at or by email at Expand All 6 rows · Membranes are important structural features of cells. a. Describe how membrane structure is related Author: Jerry W. Fabian

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