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9 paragraph essay

9 paragraph essay

9 paragraph essay

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Posted on September 11, The morning of September 11, has become the tragedy for all Americans. There was a terrorist attack, as four airliners were hijacked by al-Qaeda members. Four suicide attacks were targeted at important objects in the USA. One of the four planes was targeted at Pentagon, another crashed in the field of Pennsylvania, while the two remaining airliners were aimed to attack Twin Towers in New York.

After this event, the 9 paragraph essay broke down that brought changes to the whole society in the USA. Being the workplace of thirty five thousand people, the Twin Towers were targeted by al-Qaeda members to carry out a terrorist attack.

Each tower had one hundred and ten floors, and each weighed more thantons. Twin Towers were located in the centerpiece of the World Trade Center, 9 paragraph essay. Taking into consideration the 9 paragraph essay and the daytime population, 9 paragraph essay, the towers became an obvious choice for an attack.

As a matter of fact, the World Trade Center had already been attacked in There was an explosion in a car parked beneath the Center. The attack was made by the group of terrorists, the members of al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda is an Islam extremist terrorist system started by Osama bin Laden, 9 paragraph essay. Al-Qaeda aims to take control and force religiously-sanctioned social and political order in the places with Muslim 9 paragraph essay. The attacks against Americans were made to reduce support in the USA for Middle-Eastern governments that do not follow al-Qaeda strong beliefs. Al-Qaeda believed that the USA support was a huge obstacle in promoting and building global order under Islam.

On September 11,four planes were hijacked by the members of al-Qaeda, 9 paragraph essay. The planes were headed for California, therefore being fueled enough. There were nineteen terrorists who took over control and prepared their attacks.

At one of four planes crashed between the ninety third and ninety ninth floor in the North Tower. After the first attack hundreds of people were killed and 9 paragraph essay got trapped in the floors above. Evacuation began instantly, tragically though, eighteen minutes later another plane crashed into the South Tower between the seventy seventh and eighty fifth floors. After the second crash there was a huge explosion. The Twin Towers fell down and damaged five other buildings in the World Trade Center complex.

Time 9 paragraph essay event. Event description. Mohammed Atta and several other terrorists crash into the North Tower with American Airlines Flight The South Tower gets hit with United Airlines Flight Hijackers hit the Pentagon with American Airlines Flight The South Tower falls down.

Hijackers crash into Somerset County, PA with United Airlines Flight The North Tower falls down. World Trade Center falls 9 paragraph essay after burning for hours.

The two other planes that were not involved in the World Trade Center attack were targeted at the Pentagon and Washington DC. One of the two planes was headed for Los Angeles. After being hijacked, it crashed into the Western facade of the Pentagon. Another one was targeted at Washington DC. However, the passengers were able to change the target and steer the plane into a field of Pennsylvania, killing everyone on aboard.

The death toll was shattering and beyond catastrophic. Nearly three thousand people were killed, over twenty seven hundred killed in the World Trade Center attack, one hundred eighty four killed in the Pentagon attack, and forty people killed on Flight In addition to that there was a number of deaths of firefighters, paramedics and police officers three hundred and forty three firefighters and paramedics, twenty three police officers and 9 paragraph essay seven Port Authority police officers.

That was a catastrophe for all Americans and the whole world, 9 paragraph essay. On September 12,9 paragraph essay, an emergency meeting of the United Nations was held. The terrorist attack was condemned as an attack on all humanity. It was the first time in the history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to invoke Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.

After that the USA declared to be officially at war, as they invoked their right of self-defense during wartime. In Octoberthe United States passed the USA Patriot Act. This law was regarded as a bit controversial, as many were concerned that it would lead to the infringement of civil rights and liberties. For instance, the act allows law enforcement officials to monitor financial transactions, or eavesdrop on phone conversations, or search property without warrant. The USA succeeded in ousting Taliban from power, but continued the war to defeat a Taliban rebellion campaign over Pakistan.

Init was revealed that in the National Security Agency had the authorization given by George W. Bush to wiretap domestic emails and phone calls without warrants. The USA also established the Department of Homeland Security to ensure the national security of the country. The security at airports was heightened, screening international passengers entering and leaving the USA.

9 paragraph essay country went to 9 paragraph essay and the everyday life of Americans changed forever. After the attacks the USA sent troops 9 paragraph essay Afghanistan where the al-Qaeda had its base. Inthe USA troops were sent to Iraq that was an important weapon in the War on Terror Green.

In December9 paragraph essay, Iraq was left in a state of volatile democracy and the American troops were pulled from it. He aimed at it being perceived as a support mission, rather than a combat mission.

In the history of the United States, 9 paragraph essay, the 9 paragraph essay War has been the longest, lasting from to Deportation for criminals and law-breakers doubled in the USA. Between the years of andalmost four hundred thousand people were deported annually, half convicted of a criminal offense and the other half of low-level offenses.

Under the Secure Communities program imposed inpeople could be deported for even being convicted of minor offenses such as not using a turn signal 9 paragraph essay driving. The security was heightened, as the TSA started to use new and more effective security practices.

Before, 9 paragraph essay, passengers could spend thirty minutes and get on the plane. Now, people spend hours in line, as everything is checked: people, bags and items of clothing. The TSA scans, screens scrutinizes everything and everyone to guarantee safety. They also use a watch list of individuals believed to possibly pose a threat to safety and security. The whole world felt that the attack made on the USA was the attack on freedom and liberties everywhere, 9 paragraph essay.

That was an event that brought changes to the whole world. Even though, Americans were left shattered and fearful, they had enough power to fight for their freedom and the United States has again proven that liberty will persevere no matter the circumstances. Your email address will not be published. The World Trade Center Targeted Being the workplace of thirty five thousand people, the Twin Towers were targeted by al-Qaeda members to carry out a terrorist attack, 9 paragraph essay.

The aftermath The death toll was shattering and beyond catastrophic. The USA reaction In Octoberthe United States passed the USA Patriot Act. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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9 paragraph essay

Post 9/11 Essay The attacks of 9 / 11 on America’s twin towers did not only affect the United states but shook the core of the world. Countries all over the world were affected directly and indirectly and people still remembered it as the terrible criminal act 9+ Paragraph Writing Examples in PDF. When you would read or write an essay, or any fully-written write-up, you would always encounter a group of sentences that expounds, extends, and explains a single idea. That group of sentences is called a paragraph. ,+ Designs, Documents Templates in PDF, Word, Excel, PSD, Google Docs, PowerPoint 9 Essays Buddhism & The 12 Step Model of Recovery. 3 introduction This essay will suggest a way of look-ing at powerlessness that will be developed further in the following essays. Powerlessness can be defined as that state in which something (alcohol in this case) has become the controlling fact in a person’s life, the pivot

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